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Etisalat`s Annual Quran Contest Concludes
Kabul - The 15th round of Etisalat`s Annual Quran Contest came to a successful end on 25 March 2022. The closing ceremony of the contest was held in the National Radio Television of Afghanistan (RTA) hall where high-ranking government officials from the Ministry of Hajj and Islamic Affairs, management of RTA, Etisalat representatives, and media people were present.
In this contest, which was organized in 7 zones of Afghanistan, more than one thousand reciters participated and only top 21 were selected as the finalists. After an exciting competition in the final round, 10 top reciters were ranked by judges as the winners and were rewarded with certificates and cash prizes by Etisalat.
Contest`s recording will be aired by its media partner, RTA, throughout Ramadan 30 minutes before Iftar.
Etisalat Provides School Books for Students
Kabul – July 5, 2020
As a part of its corporate social responsibility and in support of MoE`s Alternative Education Program, Etisalat has introduced a new data bundle that enables the students and teachers to access and download school books from a dedicated website- developed by the company. The aim is to tackle the challenges of school closures due to the spread of COVID-19 and help the students and teachers to continue with their lessons when attending schools is not possible.